Training set - Oncology

PEROUSE MEDICAL is actively involved in disseminating good handling and maintenance practice for implantable ports (IP)


Implantable ports provide long term venous access. They are used to administer injectable medicines such as anti-mitotics (chemotherapies), antibiotics and parenteral nutrition etc.  They also allow samples to be taken and infusions to be given.
They are placed directly beneath the skin usually in a discrete, easily accessible place (chest level) and are connected to a vein. The system allows medicines to enter the blood circulation directly after simply puncturing the site through the skin. IP administration is safe and improves the quality of life of patients who need to be treated with acid and hyperosmolar treatments over periods lasting several months.

Their implantation life however is intimately linked to correct maintenance.

IP are mostly used by hospitals and non-hospital nurses: home hospitalisation services or the private sector.

Because of the many places where the same patient may be cared for and the large number of care workers around these implantable devices information about their recommendations for use needs to be harmonised.

As part of its partnership with medical and surgical care groups, PEROUSE MEDICAL offers information and training meetings on implantable ports. These meetings can also be used for IFSI pharmacy services (for 3rd year students) and IBODE schools. This training is ISO 9001 certified by the notified body LNE GMED.


  • Training program:

- General presentation of the poster

- Review of IP

- Handling and maintaining IP

 Assembling and handling the infusion line
 Positioning the Huber needle
 The dressing
 Respecting the closed distal/bidirectional valves
 Correct functioning indicators for IP
 Blood sampling
 Needle, dressing, perfusion set replacement frequency.
Withdrawing the needle

- Complications

 Role of the nurse
 Intermittent venous reflux due to Pinch-off
 Prevention of complications

- Traceability

Along these lines, a training pack is now available. This is practical, brief and thorough and contains 3 parts describing the IP, their use and possible complications:


  • a poster for nurse stations


  • a pocket book, recently edited and very useful always to keep in your hand :


  • and a training slide presentation

These training tools are the product of a multi-disciplinary team (involving nurses, anaesthetists, surgeons, hygienists, medical device manufacturers etc) and multi-sites (Curie Institute, Gustave Roussy Institute and several Paris public hospitals).

The training pack has been used by the Paris Public Hospitals Health Service, the CLIN, and the Paris Nord CCLIN.

This quality process for maintaining IP was recognised in 2007 with its contribution to improved dissemination of recommendations to care workers and future health professionals.


For any information, please contact us.